
Meet Gerardo


Graduate Student


Struggling with Self-Doubt

When he first started graduate school at MIT, Gerardo was excited and felt comfortable about his academics. Eventually, however, certain events made him start to question whether he belonged and if he could succeed academically. A conversation with his professor helped Gerardo realize that he’s not as alone as he thinks. This started his journey of self-love. Rather than thinking of himself as incompetent, he’s realized that he brings a different perspective and can use this time as a student to learn and grow rather than compare himself with others.

It has taken sometime to truly delve into this topic of self-love and my ability as a student, but it has really forced me to think of my studies not as a competition, but instead as a time for me to grow and learn as much as possible.”

Gerardo, Graduate Student

Gerardo’s Strategies

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Gerardo: Cultivating Gratitude

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Gerardo: Time to Reflect

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Gerardo: Noting Positive Moments

Another Point of View

Listen to other students relating to this same struggle and what helped them cope.